Thursday, August 30, 2007

Knitting saved me

Yesterday my 67 year old mom's house was broken into. They just kicked in the back door and took mostly jewellery and booze. She was absolutely frantic when she got home (thank goodness she was out at the time). We went over to her place last night to lend a hand and give support. It's not the monetary value but the stuff had a lot of sentimental value which I think is worse. Luckily, as I was running out the door I grabbed my knitting bag (thanks to the Harlot) and took it with me. There's a lot of waiting at crimes scenes. It's not like CSI at all! I cast on a sock and began knitting to stay occupied and sane as my poor mom began to discover exactly what the bastards took. When she settled down I told her about the KAL and some of my fellow knoggers or blitters (whatever you get when you combine knitting and blogging). Thanks to all of you I managed to keep her occupied with all your names, stories and swatches as the cops dusted for prints and photographed the wreckage. So many thanks for being there for me and my mom. You will always be welcome!


J. said...

I really hope your Mom is ok. I can't believe that!!! I think we need to get your Mom knitting. If it helped you, it can help her.

And she needs some replacement booze, just let me know.

MimiCatKnits said...

Oh no!! I feel so badly, and, as you said, thank goodness she wasn't there. You'll need to have an extra shoulder for her to lean on because I'm sure she will experience emotional reprecussions from this for a while. You did a great job keeping occupied...
Score another one for knitters!
Maria (Boston)

Mary in VA said...

Sorry about all the things. I'm sure you're right that the sentimental value was the worst of it. Though if they'd left the booze that might have come in handy! Hope you and your Mom are okay.

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

Tell your mom that we are all sending her good vibes, prayers, etc.

I know how she feels. Get her a security system, she'll sleep better.

Busymom said...

I'm sorry to here about that, but glad your mom was not there at the time. I'll be praying for her, I hope she'll be o.k..

pieheart said...

How horrible! I'm glad you were able to knit to calm yourself. It's good that no one was home at the time.

Hope everything is settling back to normal!