Thursday, August 30, 2007

Ack - start date is tomorrow?

Well I came over after being absent for a bit (crazy busy at work lately) just to check when the start date is, and apparently its tomorrow?

Well I've already made arrangements to do some painting tomorrow, but maybe I can at least cast on when I collapse at the end of the day. I've found that tired and lace knitting doesn't mix. But how much damage could I do with the cast on, right?

In case anyone is still yarn searching. I just saw some silk at Sundara Yarns ( ) that my first thought was, oh, that would be a gorgeous Hanami. If you click on "currently available" and scroll down, its the silk lace yarn called "pink porcelain over chiffon." I'm trying very hard to resist, so you could all help me by going there and buying it up!

Good luck everyone,
Mary in VA


MimiCatKnits said...

(grinning) ... you've come to the wrong place for yarn purchase discouragement... we are enablers... there's probably a YBA (Yarn Buyers Anonomous) group out there somewhere, established by the KFSOBY (Knitters Familes Squeezed Out By Yarn).
... now, what was that web site again?

MimiCatKnits said...

anon*Y*mous (there should be spell check for blog comments)